I remember those years of inadequacy
So content with our new world yet so discontent with our skins
I remember punching those green-gray lenses from the movie theatre glasses and cloaking our wrists with colorful bands as confirmation of our status
I remember throwing our hands up to Taio Cruz, so certain we had the answers,
But in hindsight, we knew nothing at all.
Soon, little by little was saw the parallel lines on our friend’s wrists and the bloodied contraception in the parking lot
How come it took so very long to learn that the world wasn’t focused on Silly Bandz or 3D glasses but quite the contrary?
Our eyes finally became accustomed to the fact that while some don their wrists with fantastically-shaped bracelets, others focused on the relieving rendezvous of blood and blade
And somehow, blood remains less precious and less credible than ink.
Maybe it was then we realized that often by defending our own social status with literary daggers we undermine the values of the human experience for another
But I think it is necessary to break from euphoria.
We needed to shatter those lenses, if only to see how imperative it is to live in bliss.
Now remember, my friend, Silly Bandz come in many different colors and shapes, but often hidden beneath those bracelets is an even more eye-catching display
Remember that while eyes are vulnerable, they are also protective
And most of all, remember inadequacy only stems from the black paint bucket carried by others.